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Posts from the ‘way’ Category

Reclaiming youth


Act I: The inexhaustible energy of youth

Stretches of effortless immersion in play, sports and creativity

Build a trail in the woods, ride bike, daydream

Act II: Stuck on being stuck

Thinking about doing things, or doing them better

Dabbling much; mastering little

‘The dabbler: excited at first, then quits after the plateau.’ – Tony Robbins, Personal Power II: Day 26, disc 20

Rapid mental channel changing

Act III: Waking up

Truly realizing that health and happiness and love is all that matters

Reclaim the free flow, and laser focus of youth

Despite external and internal distraction

Plan and tweak some; mainly act

Do less, regularly

Do one thing, for a stretch

Let go

Don’t over think

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.” -Bruce Lee

Distraction detracts from everything

“Rather than spend a lot of effort increasing the useful thoughts, […] better to eliminate the not useful thoughts” – James Altucher, The James Altucher Show (podcast), Episode 12.

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