Posts from the ‘resistance’ Category
I brought this site online long ago, but did not publish anything … until now. I didn’t publish, because:
- I didn’t like how the site looked and worked, and didn’t have all the answers.
- I was worried the structure might change in the future, wreaking havoc with links to posts here from other sites.
- I feared publishing. What would I write? Would I make mistakes that I’d later regret? Would it be good enough?
I’ve been inspired by a number of authors dealing with the fear and resistance of starting, publishing, shipping, finishing, etc. I enjoy the audio version of Do the Work, written and narrated by Steven Pressfield, whose narration really brings the book to life:
Start before you’re ready.
Seth Godin, has written many wonderful books (I enjoy listening to him voice them) including: Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?
An excerpt transcription (any errors are mine) from: 43 Folders – Merlin Mann Interview with “Linchpin” author, Seth Godin Seth Godin:
The cost of a getting a blog is $12. And if you screw up no one is going to notice, because they weren’t reading it in the first place. […] The cost of failure is nothing. […] Do something that people will ridicule, do something where you will fail, do something that’s a little bit nutty, and see what happens, ‘cuz the worst thing that’ll happen is you’ll fail and no one will notice.
Taking the first resistant step, you quickly learn some of your fear was unfounded, which is freeing; you discover challenges you weren’t aware of; and you fail some. Adjust course. Take the step.